
What is a Channel Manager?

Channel manager is a crucial tool for hospitality businesses looking to streamline the online distribution. In this article, we will explore what a channel manager is, its benefits, key features, and how to choose the right one for your Airbnb business.
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In the world of vacation rental properties, there are so many terms that you’ll need to get used to using. Property management software, online travel agency, dynamic pricing, return on investment – these are just some of the terms that you’ll come across. And channel manager is a big one!

But what about ‘channel manager’? Is it software? Or is it a person? Perhaps even a company? Or is it such a general term that it can literally mean whatever you want it to mean?

What is a Channel Manager?

Instead of starting with our own definition, let’s first start with a few definitions of a channel manager from other industry stakeholders.

According to Cloudbeds, “A Channel Manager is sophisticated software that allows hoteliers and property managers to update multiple online booking sites automatically every time a change in availability, pricing, or stay restriction occurs. Updates are made in real-time, without human intervention, and are managed from a centralized Channel Management dashboard so you can do everything from a single interface.”

Eviivo states that a “channel manager enables the process of managing online travel agents (OTA’s) and other online distribution channels through which rooms are sold online. A channel manager is a piece of software that connects your property to OTAs and synchronizes availabilities and details across all platforms.

Lastly, according to SiteMinder, “A channel manager is a software tool that will allow your hotel to sell all your rooms on all your connected online booking sites at the same time, including online travel agents and your direct booking channel. A channel management service will automatically update your availability in real-time on all sites when a booking is made when you close a room to sale, or when you want to make bulk changes to your inventory.”

Airbnb channel manager

So, after reading all of this, how would we define ‘channel manager’? Well, the DPGO definition is as follows:

A channel manager is a specialized software tool that synchronizes your calendar availability across various rental channels. These channels are platforms like Airbnb and It manages your bookings to ensure that your listing cannot be double-booked. And that’s even if the bookings were made from different OTA sites.

Do I Need One?

While channel managers are not strictly necessary, they are a great help in channel management. One of the biggest nightmares for hosts is double bookings. Using a property management system manager can prevent such issues. Nothing tanks your ratings faster than accusations of double booking a guest. From that point, potential guests will read your reviews and worry about similar mishaps.

Having a channel manager offers a few benefits:

Updated Calendars

Utilizing a channel manager, such as a hotel channel manager or vacation rental channel manager, ensures that your calendars are always synchronized across all booking channels. This synchronization is vital for avoiding double bookings, as any changes in availability are instantly updated across multiple channels, including online travel agencies.

This real-time update means that when a booking is made on one platform, the availability on all other platforms is adjusted accordingly, ensuring accurate and up-to-date booking information. This feature is a cornerstone of effective property management, allowing hosts to maximize occupancy and minimize the risk of scheduling conflicts.

Peace of Mind

Employing a channel manager provides a significant peace of mind. By ensuring that all your booking channels are perfectly aligned, it eliminates the anxiety and manual effort associated with managing multiple listings. This comprehensive coordination means that whether a guest books through an online travel agency or directly through your site, the information is consistent and reliable across all platforms.

This reliability not only protects your reputation from the damage caused by potential double bookings but also allows you to focus more on enhancing guest experiences rather than juggling booking details.

Easy Access

A property management system grants effortless access to comprehensive records of your guests’ stays. This feature is crucial for maintaining detailed guest profiles, tracking repeat visits, and analyzing sales channels and booking trends over time. Using a channel manager, hosts can offer personalized services and promotions tailored to guest preferences and previous behaviors.

Additionally, this streamlined access facilitates administrative tasks like reporting and financial tracking, enabling more efficient business operations. The integration of these records across multiple channels ensures that all information is consistent and up-to-date, regardless of the booking source.

Boosted revenue

Channel managers significantly enhance revenue potential by swiftly re-circulating canceled dates back into the market. This rapid response capability allows hosts to quickly offer these dates across multiple online booking channels, including prominent online travel agencies.

The faster a canceled date becomes available, the higher the chances it gets rebooked, minimizing revenue loss. Moreover, by expanding the visibility of available dates across various channels, channel managers increase the likelihood of capturing bookings that might otherwise have gone to competitors.

This strategic positioning in multiple channels leverages every opportunity to maximize occupancy and, consequently, revenue. This efficiency not only optimizes income but also ensures that no potential booking opportunity slips through the cracks.

Channel management software helps to avoid double bookings

How to Choose the Right Channel Manager

Selecting the right channel manager is a critical decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your property management. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make the best choice:

Assess Your Business Needs and Volume

Begin by evaluating the specific needs of your property. Consider the size of your inventory, the variety of your accommodations, and the volume of bookings you handle. Are you managing a few vacation rentals or a large hotel with multiple room types?

Understanding your operational scale and requirements will help you determine the features you need in a channel manager, such as multi-property support, varied pricing capabilities, and the ability to handle high transaction volumes.

Compare Different Options and Their Features

Once you have a clear idea of your needs, start comparing different channel managers. Look for key features that align with your business model. Important features might include real-time synchronization of availability data, ease of integration with existing systems like your property management system.

Support for multiple sales channels, and robust analytics tools are also key features. Additionally, consider the user interface of a channel manager and ease of use, as these will affect how quickly you can adopt and benefit from the channel management software.

Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations

Check online reviews and testimonials to gauge the reliability and efficiency of different channel managers. User feedback can provide insights into both the strengths and potential issues of the software.

Reaching out to your network for recommendations can be incredibly valuable. Speak with other property managers or hoteliers to learn from their experiences and get firsthand accounts of the software’s performance in real-world scenarios.

Evaluate Customer Support and Service

Effective customer support is crucial, especially when dealing with a tool as integral as a channel manager. Evaluate the support services provided by the vendor, including their availability (24/7 support may be necessary).

The variety of support channels they offer (like phone, email, and chat), and their reputation for resolving issues promptly are also important.

Testing the Software Through a Trial Period

Many channel management solutions offer a trial period, which is an excellent opportunity to test their functionality and compatibility with your operations. Use this time to see how well the channel manager integrates with your existing systems, such as your property management system and booking engines.

Pay attention to how it handles real-time bookings, updates inventory, and manages cancellations. This trial period is critical to ensuring that the software meets your expectations and works seamlessly with your operational workflow.

Consider the Cost and Return on Investment

Finally, consider the pricing structure of the channel manager. Analyze the cost relative to the features and benefits provided. It’s important to consider not just the initial cost but also the potential return on investment through increased bookings, reduced double bookings, and saved administrative time.

Opt for a solution that offers a balance of cost-efficiency and comprehensive functionality. By following these steps, you can choose a channel manager that not only meets your current needs but also scales with your vacation rental business growth, ensuring more bookings and direct connections with booking sites.

Top Property Management Software in 2024

Several channel manager software options are making a significant impact in 2024. Each offers distinct features tailored to different needs in the vacation rental and hotel management industry:


iGMS excels in automating numerous operations for vacation rental businesses. It integrates seamlessly with major booking platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, and, facilitating efficient management of listings and reservations. iGMS is particularly strong in streamlining communication with guests, scheduling cleanings, and handling automated guest reviews, making it an excellent choice for hosts managing multiple properties.

IGMS - Airbnb Management Software


Hospitable is renowned for its advanced automation capabilities that cater to both individual hosts and large property managers. It excels in automating guest communication, offering timely and personalized responses to guest inquiries. Hospitable also provides sophisticated tools for managing bookings and optimizing listing performance across multiple channels.

Hospitable - vacation rental channel manager


Hostfully is praised for its property management features that go beyond channel management. It offers a centralized platform for managing guest communications, bookings, and marketing. Its digital guidebooks feature enhances guest experience by providing valuable local information and house manuals digitally. Hostfully is particularly favored by those looking to enhance guest satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Hostfully - vacation rental channel manager


Known for its robust scalability, Hostaway is ideal for property managers aiming to expand their portfolios. It supports an extensive array of channel connections, including all major online travel agencies and some niche markets. Hostaway also offers powerful tools for revenue management and marketing automation, making it a comprehensive tool for growing accommodation providers.

Hostaway - channel management system


OwnerRez is noted for its strong integration capabilities with websites and other booking engines, allowing for direct bookings alongside channel management. It provides detailed financial tracking and performance analytics, which are essential for optimizing the pricing and availability of listings. OwnerRez is a great choice for property managers who need robust backend support and detailed reporting.

OwnerRez - channel manager system


Guesty provides a comprehensive platform that supports the complex needs of property managers operating at scale. It includes features like multi-calendar management, automated task assignment, and advanced reporting. Guesty’s strong point is its ability to handle high volumes of bookings across various properties efficiently, making it suitable for large-scale operations.

Each of these channel managers brings unique advantages to the table, making it important to consider the specific requirements of your vacation rental business or hotel operation when choosing the best software for 2024.

Guesty - vacation rental software

Dynamic Pricing and Channel Management Software

Integrating dynamic pricing tools with a channel manager can revolutionize the way you manage your vacation rental business. Dynamic pricing adjusts your rates based on real-time market data, local demand, and competitor pricing, ensuring you always offer competitive yet profitable prices. When paired with a channel manager, this approach can significantly enhance both efficiency and revenue.

Using DPGO alongside a channel manager, enables seamless synchronization of these dynamically adjusted prices across all booking channels. This integration ensures that your listings on platforms like Airbnb,, and other booking sites reflect the optimal rates, tailored to current market conditions.

The combination of dynamic pricing and channel management also provides hosts with comprehensive insights. DPGO’s detailed analytics and performance reports, when used in tandem with the robust reporting tools of top channel managers, offer a deeper understanding of your pricing effectiveness.

To get started, DPGO offers a free month trial, allowing you to experience firsthand the benefits of dynamic pricing and channel management without any initial investment. Take advantage of this offer to optimize your pricing strategy and elevate your vacation rental business.

Dynamic Pricing Tool for Airbnb Hosts

Avatar for Charlotte Rogers

I love writing and I am seriously passionate about real estate and technology. I've been writing about both topics for nearly 10 years and there isn't a development in the world of tech without me reading about it!

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